Katie's Art Gallery

Monday, July 31, 2006

Purple Panda

i don't know about you but i think its cute... i like it. well of course i like it. why would i post something i don't like? anyway... at first it was going to be green but then i just changed the whole idea of the bear. i wish i had a purple panda... just so cute!
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

so this is part of a whole theme thing i had one day. the goat, my last post, was part of it. i just use one color in diffent shades and grey in different shades. she kinda a clown faire. i like her anyway. hope you does too!
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Thursday, July 20, 2006

A goat and his flame

So I have no idea... Its just a goat. Its got a live flame and its talking to him I just don't have words to go with it. I like it though. Hope you do too. Havn't posted in a while huh? Forgot me password and all. But its not like I think people are acctualy looking at my pictures sept some of my family. So anyway, there you go.
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Friday, June 16, 2006

candle head

I wanted to make something different and i think i did pretty good don't you? notice the cupcake on her head. and the yellow floating bunnys. i don't know why they float but i just thought they needed to. the eye bar is just there because i couldn't think of eyes that would really fit her. anyway, i likes it.
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Friday, June 02, 2006

Like the picture says this is Will. And if its spelt with only one l I'm sorry i spelt it wrong. He's the lead singer of Aiden. I like them. They are from Seatlle. Ok, and dad, they might look weird...and maybe sound weird... but i like them anyway!
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Friday, May 26, 2006

Pretty Dancer!!!

I found this picture of gerard on this one web site. www.andrewkendall.com . go there and you can see more pics of gerard and mikey and a whole lot of other bands. the pics are pretty good. but i loved this one mostets. i drew the tutu and the make up and nailpolish and the bow. but i loves it anyway. dance gerard dance!
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Kids in the Way

i like kids in the way. they are a christian rock band and they are one of the few christian rock bands i like. theres not many. thats the lead singer, david. kinda cute huh? i think so. i did the brown squares to complement his eyes i guess, or i just felt like brown squares. can't remember. anyway, hopes you like it.
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The Radley place

I was reading To Kill A Mocking Bird in my english class so i drew what kinda looks like Boo Radleys house. i liked Boo at the end. His name is really Arther but i like Boo better. he was nice in the end.
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