Katie's Art Gallery

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Taking Back Sunday

I was at my friends house and we were listening to the new Taking Back Sunday cd Louder Now, and so i made a Taking Back Sunday pic just cuz i could. Don't you love it? The part thats white is acctualy ice cream shapes. Two of them. Get it? Taking Back Sunday? Like an ice cream sundae just spelt different. yeah...
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

fishy fish

i like my fishy fish! just look at him and his big big lips! awwwww
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Friday, April 21, 2006

Moutian Scean... sorry if i spelt this wrong...

i was playing with a brush on my art program and made this.
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so i was bored and sick and i made this pick. you like? i like her dress. it was also an idea of my hair cut. i wanted to cut my hair and no matter what i did i was going to put purple in my hair.
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Friday, April 14, 2006

From First to Last and their tree

My friend made this in her photography class and is letting me post it on my blog thing. It's From First to Last, another band i likes. In her class they had to merge two pics together so she merged a pic of From First to Last and a tree. You like the tree? Its a nice tree. Comment on this and i will be sure to tell her what you think!
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Just a little lost....

So i was really bored one day and on of my favorite bands is H.I.M. I did this before i got this drawing pad thingy so this one was done on Micromdedia fireworks. Lots of stuff i've done is on on fireworks. but most the stuff i post on here is the drawing pad.
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Gerard and Mikey Way

I'm so happy because i finaly got this thing to save so that i could post it. I posted the part in the middle a while back if you remember. Click on arcives to see. I loves it because they are my favorite band besides green day.
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The only difference between suicide and marrderdum is press coverage. -Panic! At the Disco

Panic! At the Disco is one of my favorite bands. I cut them out on Micromedia Fireworks and the disco ball i had to put in myself. I drew the stars and the words too. Cool huh?
o and sorry if i spelt marderdum wrong in the title.
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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Do you think i'm pretty when i'm sitting atop the bright lit city? -The Used

I made this so it was big enough for me to use as a desktop but i don't know if it will work for you. if it does just leave a comment so that i know people do like my work. Anyway, when i made it i named it city kinda because well... if you can't figure out why... well i don't know what to say about it that wouldn't be compleatly offencive. o well.
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Ronald Weasley

So for some of you who can't read this is Ron Weasly. But if you can't read you don't know what this is saying. For all you know i could be cussing you out and calling you an illiterate loser but i'm not. Do you like it? i like it. And if my friend sees this, (and you know who you are) i made it just for you!
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